Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Opinião "A Tua Ideia Bomba" de Mr. Wonderful | Marcador

Olá queridos leitores!

Quem não precisa de uns conselhos amigáveis para transformar uma ideia/projeto em algo melhor? 

Durante o nosso percurso de vida vamo-nos apercebendo de qual ou quais são as coisas que nos inspiram e que nos tornam mais felizes. Não posso dizer que já vivi muitos e longos anos, mas ao longo do tempo descobri muitas coisas que me motivam. Tudo começou com o desporto, depois a pintura, a fotografia, a música, a literatura, o cinema... houve muitas coisas nas quais dediquei algum do meu tempo, mas a maior parte delas foram apenas meras etapas para descobrir qual curso tirar e o que fazer com o resto da vida.  

Ao folhear as páginas deste livro, retirei muitas sugestões para tornar os meus projetos em algo mais agradável e melhor, não só para mim mas também para os outros. 
Bom, mas na verdade não interessa se és pintor, escritor, músico, advogado, médico, professor, etc. Todos nós podemos retirar algo de novo e de inspirador deste livro. É mesmo para isso que ele serve, para olharmos para as coisas que fazemos e não sermos apenas mais "um" neste mundo, mas sim alguém diferente! 

A Mr. Wonderful é uma empresa que admiro, desde o dia em que conheci as suas famosas agendas. Lembro-me de pesquisar sobre o projeto deles e perceber que a sua ideia começou como qualquer outra, mas graças a uma enorme persistência e dedicação, são diferentes de todas as outras empresas que conhecemos. 
O que fizeram eles para ter tanto sucesso? Como qualquer bom mentor, eles decidiram partilhar a sua sabedoria com os outros, portanto, tudo o que possam querer saber sobre como evoluir uma ideia, está no livro. 

Na verdade, existem montes de livros que falam sobre como atingir o sucesso e como tornar uma ideia melhor, mas eu sei que vocês gostam de coisas fofinhas, por isso, este é o livro ideal para terem nas vossas mesas de cabeceira. Consultem-no e estimem-no, pois ele pode ajudar-vos muito

Com o apoio de: 

Na mesa de cabeceira

Olá queridos leitores!!

Já há umas semanas que este livro me acompanha e é com grande felicidade que vos digo que estou a adorar todos momentos da sua leitura.

Opinião muito em breve!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Para ler em Março | TBR

Olá queridos leitores!!

Estes são os livros que planeio ler em Março. Já leram algum?

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Passatempo 'Franny e Zooey' de J. D. Salinger

Olá queridos leitores! 

Anunciamos que no dia 27 de Março, vamos sortear um vencedor entre as pessoas que comentaram nos posts do blogue.

Podem jogar mais que uma vez sendo que cada comentário vale um ponto.


Comentar um post de que gostem (excepto passatempos)

Onde comentar?
Caixa de comentários. No fim do post.

Início do passatempo: 25 de fevereiro de 2017. 
Fim: Dia 27 de Março de 2017

Muito boa sorte! <3

Friday, February 24, 2017

Na caixa de correio

Olá queridos leitores!

Nestes últimos dias chegaram cá a casa umas coisas boas...

Já devem conhecer alguns destes livros. Já leram algum? Estão a pensar ler algum? contem-me tudo!!

Nesta primeira fotografia, podem ver os três livros que recebi :)

'Os imperfeitos' de Cecelia Ahern:

Uma decisão pode deitar tudo a perder.

A vida de Celestine North é perfeita. Filha e irmã modelo, é muito popular junto dos colegas e professores e namora com Art Crevan, um dos rapazes mais encantadores da escola.

Mas Celestine vê-se confrontada com uma situação à qual reage por instinto, levada pela bondade. Quebradas as regras, terá de lidar com as consequências. Pode ser presa. Pode ser marcada a ferro quente. Podem obrigá-la a juntar-se às fileiras dos Imperfeitos.

Com apoio de:

Então e este? Claro que conhecem! Jude Deveraux já escreveu muitos livros que estiveram nas nossas tabelas dos mais vendidos. Nunca li nenhum mas vou estrear-me com este. O que acham?


Sophie Kincaid está a passar por um momento difícil. 
Foi abandonada pelo noivo e a sua carreira de escultora está num impasse. Felizmente, a sua amiga Kim parece ter a solução: basta que Sophie se mude para Edilean. Kim acredita que a pequena povoação é o Paraíso na Terra. Mas a experiência de Sophie vai assemelhar-se mais a uma descida ao Inferno. Para começar, o seu carro avaria, e quase é atropelada por um condutor em excesso de velocidade. Sophie resolve então levar a cabo uma pequena e criativa vingança contra o motorista, que é nada menos do que… o seu novo empregador.

E o Dr. Reede Aldredge bem merece ser castigado. Quanto mais não seja pelo seu temperamento amargo e modos rudes, conhecidos de toda a vila. Mas apenas ele sabe os motivos que o levam a agir assim. A fogosa Sophie, porém, fá-lo rir… algo que não acontecia há muito tempo. A química entre eles é palpável. A tensão também. Afinal, ambos têm segredos a esconder. 

 Quando, sob o luar de Edilean, partilham um momento de pura magia, algo parece mudar… Porém, até os habitantes da vila já perceberam que nada é simples para aqueles dois. Conseguirá a magia sobreviver à luz implacável da manhã, ou transformar-se-á em apenas mais uma memória embaraçosa?

Temos passatempo deste livro! Termina dia 9 de Março! Clica aqui para participar!

Com apoio de:

E por último, mas não menos importante temos 'Em Fuga' de Peter May


Em 1965, cinco amigos, todos adolescentes, cansados da rotina e temerosos de uma vida previsível, fogem de Glasgow com destino a Londres e o sonho de serem estrelas e de transformar a sua banda de música num sucesso.

No entanto, antes do final do primeiro ano, três deles regressam á sua cidade natal na Escócia - e voltam diferentes, danificados, sem que ninguém perceba a razão para tal. 

Cinquenta anos mais tarde, em 2015, um brutal homicídio na capital inglesa obriga esses três homens, agora com quase 70 anos, a regressar a Londres e a confrontar, por fim, a mancha escura do seu passado da qual tentaram fugir durante toda a vida.

Passatempo a decorrer!

Clica aqui para participar!! Termina dia 28 de Fevereiro

Em parceria com:

Thursday, February 23, 2017

"Asylum" Audiobook review | Opinião

Hello dear readers!

For those who haven't listen to an audiobook before, you have to try it! Unfortunately, we don't have that many options in Portuguese, but there are billions in English.

The service I use is estories and if you're interested here's some things you have to know about it:

eStories.com, an audiobook service allows customers to 
choose from over 80,000 bestselling titles and new releases.  
You can get your first audiobook for free now. 
Additionally, eStories:
  • Is the most affordable service out there at $11.95/month, and for a limited time you get your first audiobook for free.
  • works with ALL devices from ALL brands
  • one account can connect to up to 10 devices so you can start on one and pick up listening on another
  • unlimited cloud storage lets you transfer and upload your existing library to your new eStories account
  • 80%+ audiobooks are DRM-free so you are free to do what you want with them.


I wanted to read this book for a long, long time and this was the best opportunity I could get. Listening to an audiobook is an experience like no other. I listened to it everywhere...in the car, university, home, street... being able to do that is awesome but better than that is the fact that you can hear someone tell you a story and just sit back and listen to it.

Sometimes, I'm a little tired and my head aches a little. When that happens I can just pick up my phone and listen to an audiobook. Just amazing...

About this audiobook in particular, I have to say that I loved the person who narrated it. The sound quality is really good and the voice tone was very perceptible. 

Unfortunately, the story wasn't that good. It was supposed to be an horror story but It is not. Nothing about this story is scary...it's just a kids tale.

There are a lot of books that I want to listen to next. What about you? Do you want to try an audiobook? 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Levei o livro a passear

Olá queridos leitores!!

Hoje levei o livro da Mr. Wonderful a passear comigo. 

Esta foi a hora do nosso lanche e temos a dizer que estava delicioso!

Já levaram a vossa leitura atual a passear hoje? 

Para quem não conhece este livro da Mr. Wonderful:


A Mr. Wonderful apresenta-nos este pequeno manual do empresário inveterado, um livro dedicado a todos aqueles que têm vontade de fazer as coisas à sua maneira e desejam viver a sua própria aventura. A Tua Ideia Bomba é o pequeno empurrão de que todos precisamos para arriscar e começar a realizar os nossos sonhos, sejam eles quais forem. 

Um Guia Para Super Empreendedores que inclui: 10 capítulos com muitos conselhos; páginas inspiradoras para recortar; um superposter desdobrável para decorar o local de trabalho. 

Porque, quem quiser, consegue. De que é que estão à espera?

Uma novidade:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Q&A with Erica Ferencik!

Hello everyone!! This is a really special post! If you want to know more about this amazing author, check out this Q&A :)

The River at Night
By Erica Ferencik

 1)   What intrigued you about writing about female friendship?

     Everything intrigues me about female friendship. Its very intensity can turn things inside out very quickly.
            I especially love stories of female friendship gone wrong, such as in the 1992 film, Single White Female.
The stakes in female friendship are just as high or higher than in romantic ones. We trust our women friends with so much intimate knowledge – why is that? Our hairdressers know for sure….isn’t that the truth. Why do I still share things with my women friends that I don’t with my husband of twenty-two years?
The stakes are even higher for long term friendships. It’s such a delicate balance to keep these relationships alive, as well as intensely difficult to determine when or whether it may be time to end them, or to come to grips with the fact that – since everything changes – these cherished friendships must change as well.

        2)  The ending of this book leaves readers feeling unsettled. How did you come up with the ending? Did it change as you went through the writing process?

I’m glad to hear it makes readers feel unsettled!
I had maybe three different endings over time. I didn’t want to sew it up too neatly, but there had to be some ominous things lurking, as well as some light at the end of the tunnel. Even though it’s a pretty wild tale, it’s plausible as well, which is one reason I think it’s so scary.
In terms of how I came up with the ending – without giving it away – I wanted to play with aspects of bringing the “wild” world back into so-called civilization.
One hard part about writing novels – and there are lots of hard parts! – is knowing when you’re done. Where does a story really end? Why there and not someplace else? What is enough for the reader, leaving them satisfied but perhaps wondering a bit, keeping them in the spell of your story – but not in a frustrating way – and what is just too much sewing up or sweeping up for them? It can be a fine line, a really delicate balance.

          3)  What part was the most fun for you to write?
Let me say it this way: writing is like childbirth: in the end you fall so in l
love with your baby you forget all the pain that came before…
But honestly, I had a blast with the whole thing, from first word to last.
I especially loved writing about white water rafting. For me, it’s this combination of exhilarating and terrifying, like a roller coaster only worse because it’s nature, and (most of us) know better than to mess with that. For me, the moment-to-moment experience of white water rafting can tip from ecstatic joy to oh-my-God I’m going to die.
I loved doing the research, both online and especially in person, interviewing rafting guides and all the off-the-gridders I was fortunate enough to interview.

      4)  Do you have a favorite character, or one that you identify with the most?
There is the old (writing) saw that every character we create comes from some aspect of ourselves, and I think there’s a lot to that.
I think I am one part Pia – because I’m quite physical and love adventure and used to be very idealistic and clueless like her – now I’m just clueless – and one part Wini, because I’m full of terror and shame. But then I like to think I have a tough Rachel side as well as a sweet Sandra side. Basically I’m nuts.

5   5)  Any tips for people interested in white water rafting?
No, seriously, I would say just make sure the company is legit, the guides actually have some training and experience, and – this depends on your level of risk tolerance for sure – aim for nothing higher than Class 3 rapids, especially if it’s your first time out. Talk to someone who has gone out with the company you’re thinking of using, learn about the river you intend to raft.
As part of my research I had a look at all the accidents resulting in death since records were kept. Man, that will curl your hair. Who died, when, on what river. One out 250,000 rafters, on average, die each year. In 2006, ten died on commercial rafting trips, but the number skews higher if you include people who go it alone.

6) What other research went into writing this book?

I needed to actually visit the place I intended to write about. The farthest north in Maine I had ever been was Portland, so it was time to plan a trip up into the hinterlands – the storied Allagash Wilderness, over 5,000 square miles of rivers, lakes, and forest.
            My goal – one of them – was to interview people who live off the grid.
But I didn’t know a soul up there.
I called the chambers of commerce in towns from Orono to Fort Kent, as far north and west you can go until the road ends and the forest begins, which is just past a little town called Dickey.
            Everyone I spoke to on the phone said: well, these folks don’t want to be contacted. That’s why they live off the grid…but I do know someone who knows someone…soon I was able to line up half a dozen interviews with people who had decided to disappear.
            I left my house with a backpack filled with power bars, warm clothes and mace, with plans to interview five individuals and one family who had decided to cut themselves off from civilization.
            Even though I made hotel reservations for nine nights, I only needed them for the first and last, because everyone I met offered me a place to stay.
I crashed in two cabins, a teepee, a yurt, a rehabbed bus, and a boat (in a field, not on water.)
In December.
Sometimes a good mile from anything resembling a road.

7) What inspired you to write this book?

I think there were two major inspirations: a book, and an ill-fated hiking trip I took in the summer of 2012.
I read and fell in love with James Dickey’s 1970 novel Deliverance. Most people have seen the movie – cue the banjos! – but I’m not sure the book has gotten the love it deserves.
Dickey was a poet, but he also wrote this fabulous, propulsive, first person novel about four male friends who go white-water rafting in the Georgia wilderness. The story was utterly terrifying to me; I was struck by this series of bad decisions that led to disaster.
The summer before I started the book I was hiking in the White Mountains with a few friends and we got lost. We had all depended Lucy to map out the day; she was the one who had the most experience, the one we were convinced knew what she was doing. Turned out, Lucy had done some did pretty shabby planning.
The idea was to get to the hut – maybe it was Carter Notch or Zealand – by around five to get cleaned up and grab a bunk before they serve dinner at 5:30. But we were still hiking at 7:30; thank God it was summer so it was still light, but we had some older people with us, specifically a very tall, teetery gentleman in his seventies lugging this ginormous pack, and I thought we are going to have to carry this guy…we ran out of water and food, and one of the women had such bad cramps in her calves and hamstrings we had to stop and massage her muscles just so she could unbend her legs. The wind had picked up and the temperature dropped like a stone, and we were up past the tree line scrambling over huge boulders, completely exhausted and scared…anyway we made it to the hut barely able to see our hands in front of us to discover that they had been organizing a search party there. They were all suited up. I’ll never forget the looks on their faces when we stumbled in the door…talk about food tasting good, talk about a cot feeling like the Four Seasons…we had been so close to spending the night on the mountain, alone.

8) According to you, what are the key factors in writing a compelling thriller?

            You need a great story, first of all, with complex characters who actually want something, and – cliché I know – but they must undergo some change at the end of the book.
I think dread is super important. You need to create a sense of unease that doesn’t let up. Leave enough questions unanswered to keep the suspense going, but not so many that the reader gets annoyed or confused.
For me, most important is that I need to be emotionally involved with SOMEBODY in the story, usually the protagonist, in order for me to care enough to keep reading. I enjoy being intellectually engaged, but I don’t care about solving some sort of puzzle – that’s where I think some thrillers really are mysteries in disguise.
I like short chapters – both reading and writing them. Cliffhangers at the ends of chapters are a great idea, they don’t have to be something crazy each time like will she fall off the cliff or not, they can be much more subtle, but still impel the reader to say to herself: okay, I’ll read just one more chapter before I go to sleep…
That’s what you want: a reader who wants to read your next sentence, paragraph, page, chapter, and ultimately your next book.

9) Who is your literary inspiration?

            There are literally hundreds of authors who inspire me. Most recently, though, I’d have to say Peter Matthiessen, who wrote, among other things, the mind-blowing At Play in the Fields of the Lord, Lily King’s Euphoria, Claire Messud’s The Woman Upstairs, James Dickey’s Deliverance (0f course) and Stoner, by John Williams.

10) Which books have you enjoyed reading recently?

The North Water, by Ian McGuire: absolutely riveting and brilliant
In the Cut, by Susanna Moore: terrifying, sexy, an underappreciated gem
A Carnivore’s Inquiry, by Sabina Murray: talk about dread! Another under-loved treasure
Contrary Motion, by Andy Mozina: heartbreaking, funny, unputdownable
The Financial Life of Poets, by Jess Waller: hilarious: a very rare and difficult  thing to accomplish on the page.

11) What are you working on next?

My next novel is a survival thriller set in the Peruvian Amazon about a young American woman who falls for a local man and goes to live in his jungle village. There she experiences the joys of family for the first time, only to be threatened by a mysterious illness as well as the warring tribe that holds the cure.
This means I am planning a trip to the Peruvian Amazon this July to do research. I’m terrified and excited at the same time.